Be a Facilitator and Let Them Speak
Fria Bintang Listiawati
081226216159 (WA)
There are 2 teaching method as the choices to perform in our microteaching performance, first is Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and second is Total Physical Response (TPR). I choose Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method to be practiced in my microteaching. Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of the study.
The Communicative Approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop communicative competence (Richards & Rodgers, 2001:159). Another linguistic theory of communication favored in CLT is Halliday’s functional account of language use. Linguistic is concerned with the description of speech acts of texts since only through study of language in use are all the function of language and therefore all components of meaning brought into focus.
The range of exercise types and activities compatible with a communicative approach is unlimited, provided that such exercises enable learners to attain the communicative objectives of the curriculum, engage learners in communication, and require the use of such communicative processes as information sharing, negotiation of meaning, and interaction. CLT teachers choose classroom activities based on what they believe is going to be most effective for students developing communicative abilities in the target language (TL). Those activities are : role-play, interviews, group work, information gap, opinion sharing, and scavenger hunt.
Breen and Candlin in Richards & Rodgers (2001:166) describe the learner’s role within CLT is as negotiator between the self, the learning process, and the object of learning, emerges from and interacts with the role of joint negotiator within the group and within the classroom procedure and activities which the group undertakes.
A teacher has two main roles in CLT. First, to facilitate the communication process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants and the various activities and text. Second, to act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group. Other roles assumed for teachers need analyst, counselor, and group process manager. (Breen and Candlin in Richards & Rodgers, 2001:167)
A wide variety of materials have been used to support communicative approaches to language teaching. Practitioners of Communicative Language teaching view materials as a way of influencing of quality of classroom interaction and language use. Richards & Rodgers consider three kinds of materials currently used in CLT, they are : text-based materials, task-based materials, and realia.
By the end of my microteaching, students should be able to:
1. Pronounce some difficult words related to descriptive text correctly,
2. Describe something (Animals) correctly
In order to reach those objectives, I think I have several strengths in my microteaching performance :
a. My voice was well heard. Means that my voice was clear and could be heard by all of the students in the class. I think this was very important because if my voice couldn’t be well heard by all of the students, they couldn't catch what I was saying about.
b. I asked them some questions related to the materials in order to be communicative with the students and I also gave them feedback (comment, correcting etc) based on their answers.
c. I chose a communicative fun game in order to do the information gap. The name of the game was “Find Your Members”. In this game, the students will do conversation (asking and answering) to find their members of the group which has the same picture in their cards.
d. I gave an introduction to the materials that I wanted to discuss that day (descriptive text) so, the students would have the same perception about the materials and they would have base knowledge about the materials and in doing the game ( information gap) they wouldn’t be confused about what they should talk and do.
e. I gave clear explanation or instruction about the game so the game would run smoothly. I asked some students to come forward and gave an example in doing the game with me. At the end of my explanation, I gave a time for asking questions.
f. After I gave explanation about the materials and the steps to do the game, I did the game and let the students do the game, found their members of group by asking and answering about animals in the cards (descriptive text) and I just monitored this activity and would give some guideline to the students who still felt confused in the middle of the game
g. After they found their members, I asked them to do discussion (share their idea) with the members of the group about descriptive text and try to arrange a descriptive text based on the information gap. By doing this discussion they would describe their idea about a kind of animal to another student.
However, I also have a lot of weaknesses in my performance :
a. Because the time was very limited (7 minutes) and I wasn’t wise in managing the time. I Spent much time explaining the materials and giving the instruction of the game.
b. My materials were too much so, students didn’t have enough time to do the game.
c. I missed the last part (step) in my microteaching that was the group discussion in creating descriptive text.
d. I didn’t repeat some words that related to the materials because not every student have the same ability or knowledge. Maybe some students familiar with that words but maybe the others hadn’t heard that words before. So, I should repeat it in order to avoid misunderstanding.
In doing this method the teacher should consider to :
a. Give enough time for the students to communicate, do conversation and discussion because the name of this method is communicative language teaching so, students should communicate actively. Do not do long lecturing in which the students only pay attention to the teacher without doing communication.
b. Try to always use the target language in teaching with this method. It can help the students to practice using the target language in the real communication.
c. Be a facilitator, facilitate the communication process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants and the various activities and text.
My plan to improve my teaching skills :
a. Manage the time wisely. Because I do long lecturing and have limited time to do the game. In the next time, I will manage my time so, between lecturing and communication is balance.
b. I will try to always use good English and repeated a new term related to the materials.
c. I will try to be a facilitator, not the main speaker.
Richards, J.C. & Rodgers, T.S 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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